My Little Sister Is A Monster!

Published on   Aug. 11, 2022

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Your choices create your own story


You are Tasha. You are one of the most paid models in New York. You have a lot of fans and lovers but they don’t know how rude and annoying you are.

Your behavior isn’t entirely your fault. You were brought up to be a perfectionist. When things don’t go your way you yell like the world is about to end.

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Nelly !

Why are you screaming?

I told you I wanted black plain coffee, what the hell is this?

(Spitting the coffee on her)

Nelly is your younger sister but people think that she’s your maid because of the way you treat her.

You can always make your own coffee.

You stare at her…

As far as you are here, you will always make my coffee.
That’s true, I’m sure I can make a better coffee than you.

Wait a moment, your result is coming soon