You're A Baby Hyena Lost In The Woods: What Would You Do?

By  Selina
Published on   May 11, 2022

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Your choices create your own story


You are a baby hyena named Kiraz. You live in the jungle with your family and are loved by everyone.

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'Today is your lucky day Kiraz, my dear sister'


'You and I will be going hunting.'

You repeatedly jumped with excitement.

Your brother and mother laugh out loud.

'That’s enough, Kiraz. You will hurt yourself.'

'I’m so happy, mother.'

'Kego, are you sure about Kiraz going with you?'

'Don’t be scared, mother. Nothing will happen to her.'

You and Kego head out to the nearby jungle to hunt.

'Now, the first rule of hunting'

'Make sure your prey doesn’t know you are close'

Ask how that's possible
Just say, Okay

Wait a moment, your result is coming soon