A Majestic Kiss

By  Beanners
Published on   Mar. 18, 2022

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You are Abigail, a sophomore in college at a premier Ivy League college. Your last class just finished so now you're sitting in a pub with a drink in hand.

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'Whew, what an exhausting day..I'm glad I could relax and unwind for a while tonight since it's a Friday..'

Your phone rings loudly. Looking at the screen it says Benedict but you dont answer.

'UGH! I'm gonna break up with him tomorrow..I need to figure this out..'

'Are you okay there miss? You seem to be very troubled..'

You look beside you and there's a handsome man, smiling but also looking worriedly at you.

'I think you should stop drinking already..you might've had too much.'

'Well I think you should just mind your own business there, buddy..'

You down a couple more shots, even stealing his glass and drinking the vodka inside. You feel your throat burn at the sensation but you only shake your head.

'I'm breaking up with a cheater..'

The man beside you laughs and gives you his other full glass of alcohol.

'That sounds like a tough time indeed, your drinking is justified then..'

The man pats your back slowly in soft circles, making your skin tingle.

'..You dont know who I am, right?'

Am I supposed to know who you are?
You do seem familiar..

Wait a moment, your result is coming soon