A Holiday Mishap: A Christmas Romance

By  Samantha
Published on   Dec. 23, 2021

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Your dog goes missing on Christmas Eve. What will happen when you bump into a charming stranger? Will you find your dog and new love, or will it be a Christmas miracle?

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It’s Christmas Eve. You feel a jingle in your heart as you hang the last ornament on your Christmas tree.

Holly: That’s the last one!

Narrator: You plug in the twinkle lights, stepping back to admire the Christmas tree.

Holly: Oh, it’s so dazzling! What do you think, Ella?

Ella, your best friend, pops her head from the kitchen.

Ella: What did you say?

Holly: Come and see the Christmas tree!

Ella: Give me a minute!

Ella comes into the living room, holding a plateful of cookies.

Ella: It’s so charming! We’re finally ready for Christmas!

Holly: …

Yes, the tree lights up the whole room!
Hmm, those cookies smell so delicious!

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