Welche Methode würden Sie verwenden, um sich an Ihrem Feind zu rächen, und wie hoch ist die Erfolgsquote?

Von  Aimee
Veröffentlicht am   Juni 29, 2023

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Your choices create your own story


You are Furali.

Start To Test

Growing up was very tough. You grew up with a lot of hate after what happened to your parents when you were seven years old.


'They have to pay! I will make sure to take away what they love the most!'


'You have to watch your anger or else you will be vulnerable and make lots of mistakes'


Kozalo is the man that took you in when you were young.

You say:

Du hast Recht
Manchmal frage ich mich, ob du ein Herz hast

Warte einen Moment, dein Ergebnis ist bald da